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Oct 21, 2013
Music can do magic
And then I followed the unknowing woman into the car wash parking lot. Wait...let's rewind. I recently told the tale of my discovery of...

Oct 14, 2013
Sometimes I have a planned track for an upcoming Monday Music and a thing comes along and knocks it to the side. Thanks to...

Oct 7, 2013
The good guys and the bad guys never work past noon around here
Cable TV was a new thing for me somewhere around 8th or 9th grade. Growing up, we could never really afford pay television. I don't...

Sep 21, 2013
Into Darkness
I just got around to watching the new J.J. Abrams' Star Trek: Into Darkness. I know it was the blockbuster, must-see movie of our now...

Sep 16, 2013
It was Jon who got us on the tour bus.
I would have gone home, but then, that's the guy I've always been. Not that I didn't want to stay, that I would have turned down a chance...

Sep 9, 2013
Rock On With Your Frock On
It was April 20th, 1997 when I saw my first concert. I suppose there was another event that could take that title, but being dragged with...

Jul 26, 2013
In Response To The Critic
The Critic had its say. He's a harsh one, that guy. Still, I've been tumbling with him my whole life. I know his game. The Critic made...

Jul 26, 2013
Jason & The Locked Bedroom Door
The following was written as part of a group gift for my friend Jason's 30th Wrigleyville Rooftop Birthday Party. We all have our...

Jul 11, 2013
The Critic Gets Its Say
DISCLAIMER The following is an exercise, one shared with fellow blogger (and awesome girlfriend) KillerB (see her post on the matter...

May 6, 2013
He kept a loaded gun in the closet
It starts with the screen door slam. Not in a sun's going down, the kids coming inside, summer fun kind of way. No, there are no visions...

Apr 22, 2013
It always starts with a song.
I recall sitting in my mother's bedroom at the far end of my childhood home. Big picture windows flooded sunlight down on a cardboard...

Apr 8, 2013
Hey hey hey, we're all gonna die
The intimate concert hall was mostly dark. The first performer, Erland (amazing, check them out), was lighting the room from the front...

Apr 1, 2013
Love writes a letter and sends it to Hate...
The Avett Brothers have a way with lyrics, always managing to achieve something poetic and emotionally impacting without coming off as...

Mar 29, 2013
Don't Be a Hater & Other Condemnations Of The Cynic # 725
"You never know these days." An often uttered, rarely accurate line indicating that, indeed, the entire world is going to hell. That no...

Mar 27, 2013
Who has the time to stay involved, what with the kids and the work and the new season of Game of Thrones (Sunday SUNDAY SUNDAY!)? It can...

Mar 25, 2013
His two-handed handshake says he's so glad to meet you...
November 14th, 2008 I admit, going into the show, to having little interest in The Hold Steady. In spite of years of discovering...

Mar 6, 2013
Things I Learned From A Mexican Dance Hall
The entire affair was my responsibility. As of late, it had occurred, there had not been enough nights out. Enough letting loose....

Mar 4, 2013
The Colour & The Shape
It was the era of sitting on the floor of my childhood bedroom, a room covered in movie posters and concert bills, an ancient laptop...

Feb 25, 2013
Monday Music- Japandroids- The House That Heaven Built
Japandroids. Let's put aside that they've got the best band name ever (though, really, why would you?). The House The Heaven Built is an...

Feb 17, 2013
I Remember The Music At The Woodfire.
Author's note: this piece was originally written in July of 2009. I'm posting this here for the first time in Anywhere The Needle Drops...

Jan 22, 2013
Don't Be A Hater & Other Condemnations Of The Cynic #678
678. To make negative statements about an individual for attempting to expand their profession (for example, an actor giving a try to...

Jan 7, 2013
Of Fields & Hills & Snow
"I want to climb that hill." We left the restaurant, after enjoying an evening of food and drink in a send off to Kyle, who was leaving...

Dec 8, 2012
Lesson Number 1
I'm reading Tim Wise's recently updated edition of White Like Me: Reflections On Race From A Privileged Son. Within, Wise recounts a...

Oct 27, 2012
Remembering Sabrina
We are not getting a rabbit. Why do we need a rabbit? We have two cats. We're busy. And our apartment is tiny. Where would we put a...
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